The VDR Professional Profile (PP) has been modelled, based on a needs’ analysis and professional profiles (PP) for related roles which already exist at EU level and internationally. The PP forms the basis for a competence-based role that will be compliant with EU standards such as EQF and will be linked with ESCO.
As it has already been mentioned, VDR stands for Visual Disabilities Rehabilitators.
The Professional Profile and its core competencies will constitute the basis on which the oMERO partners in subsequent WPs will develop the “Learning Outcomes” of the Modules of the European VDR curriculum.
Up to 36 experts from six European countries, the USA, UK and Canada, contributed to the definition of the professional profile responded to two rounds of a Delphi Study. This was complemented by a consultation with non-professional experts (service users and their families), after which a list of 17 Key Activities, each associated with up to six core competencies, was identified. Finally, input on the list of competencies from Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) from international third sector organisations and relevant professional bodes was sought.
The list of the final 17 Core Competencies of the Visual Disabilities Rehabilitator Professional Profile is available for download here.