Multiplier Events are national and transnational conferences, seminars and other events organised with the purpose of disseminating the Project Results produced by the project. [1]
In the framework of the oMERO project, each country where future HE courses based on the VDR curriculum will be implemented at the end of the project (Italy, Sweden, France and Lithuania) organized one national Multiplier Event. These Multiplier Events aimed to promote the main outcomes of the oMERO project and to disseminate the new courses in the HE countries.
The Italian Multiplier Event organized by IDC and UNIGE in Genoa was a bigger event that aimed at an international audience and targeted the different stakeholders of the project. It was organized together with the FINAL PROJECT MEETING. The event was promoted at regional and national level through the proper channels.
Other three national Multiplier Events were organized by UNIGOT, LSMU and LAMUT, respectively in Sweden, Lithuania and France.
Representatives of regulatory bodies at regional and national level were involved by project partners in order to enhance the integration of the new professional profile for VDR in the Regional and National qualification frameworks.
For more information on the Italian Event, click here.
For more information on the other Multiplier Events, see the sections below.
The Lithuanian Multiplier Event
A multiplier event of the oMERO project and its results took place on 8th June 2023 at the Eye Clinic of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences’ Hospital in Kaunas.
This event was addressed to stakeholders of the visual rehabilitation field and a total of 30 participants joined it. They mainly belonged to the following institutes and organizations:
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences – Kaunas Clinic
Lithuanian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired
To begin with, the participants listened to a presentation about the oMERO project by the Lithuanian project manager, Professor Ingrida Janulevičienė.
Secondly, Aušra Povilauskienė presented the achieved results of the oMERO project. Thirdly, Agnė Kručaitė talked about the causes, prevalence and problems of low vision and blindness. Then, the occupational therapist Erika Endzelytė presented aids for cooking and eating with visual impairment.
Finally, Dr. Raimonda Petrolienė, medical psychologist, explained the importance of patient empowerment and presented some elements of motivational interviews.
These presentations were based on the VDR curriculum developed by the oMERO project and were followed by a fruitful discussion on the current social rehabilitation services for the visually impaired, the need for rehabilitation and the training of professionals for this kind of rehabilitation in Lithuania.
An article on the Lithuanian Multiplier Event was published on the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) online newspaper.
Click here to download the event agenda (in Lithuanian)
The Swedish Multiplier Event
On 14th June 2023, Professor Inger Berndtsson organized a multiplier event at the Pedagogy Department of the University of Gothenburg (Sweden).
This event aimed at presenting the oMERO project and its main outcomes to Swedish interested parties and professionals of the visual health and education fields. More specifically, the speakers dealt with the following topics:
The EU oMERO project
The EU professional profile for Visual Disabilities Rehabilitators ( VDRs)
The EU Flexible training plan for VDRs
The curriculum for VDRs developed in Sweden (60 credits)
The lessons and training materials developed in the project framework;
Closing discussion on the educational situation in Sweden.
Click here to download the event agenda (in Swedish) and here for the slide presentation.
The French Multiplier Event
On 22nd June 2023, La Mut’ – Mutualité Française Paca Ssam organised a multiplier event at the EHPAD Institut Claude Pompidou in Nice (France). The name of the event was Les Journées Inspirantes by la Mut’ – La Santé Visuelle, which translates as “The Inspiring Days by la Mut’ – Visual Health” and it stemmed from the fact that in France nearly 1.7 million people suffer from a visual disability and that this already worrying figure is set to increase.
During this day of sharing, la Mut’ brought light to the domain of visual health and rehabilitation through the exposition of the oMERO project results.
The event focused on visual disability and was addressed to French stakeholders and professionals of this field. More than 120 people participated.
The agenda included conferences, round tables and immersive sensory experiences concerning the following topics:
“(Re)Thinking a more humanistic system of support and care”;
“Prevention from an early age”, an open debate about support to and needs of families and professionals;
“From prevention to support”, a discussion on the importance of visual prevention and of managing a care programme;
“Innovating today for better support tomorrow”, a clarification on the role of new professions, devices and high-tech solutions;
Closing concert by Moz’ahrt association, composed of visually impaired and deaf artists.
Click here to download the event agenda (in French).