The main SCOPE of the oMERO project is to overcome the identified mismatch between the skills currently offered by VDRs curricula and those actually demanded by healthcare institutions, private service providers and final end users.

To this end the project will pursue the following objectives:
- to define a PROFESSIONAL PROFILE FOR VDRs, which can play a reference role at EU level for the formalization and the certification of the VDR qualification in order to motivate students to take up this career; it will be based on an accurate contextual and market analysis and on a Delphy study involving international experts.
- to define an EU REFERENCE CURRICULUM FOR VDR, general and “across-the-board”, but modular and flexible in order to be adaptable to any country and HEI; the Curriculum will meet the learning needs of students and the skills demand of labour market and will implement the trans-disciplinary approach, a strong WORK-BASED LEARNING COMPONENT and INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGIES; being LEARNING OUTCOME-ORIENTED” and compliant with the main EU standard and tools for VET in HE, it will support transparency and international mobility, as well as formal and informal competences recognition and validation.
- To up-skill and re-skill academics with new competences related to the design and delivery of the innovative VDR curriculum