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Cooperation and good practices

oMERO project will be introduced at the round table organized by the D- Collab ( Collaboration for Effective Digital Education.
Both projects were developed within the KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices: D-Collab develops partnerships for Digital Education Readiness and focuses on teaching staff and higher education students, with the aim to equip them with knowledge and competencies needed for effective teaching and learning in the digital environment; oMERO project aims to overcome the high-skills gap and to formalize a new curriculum taking to a new specialist figure, the VDR ((Visual Disabilities Rehabilitators), providing physical, mental and sensorial rehabilitation services, in a new trans-disciplinary, user-centred and ICT-based approach.
The purpose of the meeting will be to share best practices and experiences on innovative teaching methods, but also will represent an occasion to illustrate the EU curriculum for VDR (Visual Disabilities Rehabilitators) developed by oMERO project.